Eduardo Raon


Although he has a classical harp education, Raon has always been unsatisfied standing with both feet on a recognizable ground. Rock,contemporary, experimental, noise, pop, retro and electronic music are all part of a kaleidoscopic baggage brought by Eduardo Raon onstage. Either improvising, composing or interpreting, with a mixed attitude that oscillates between the visceral and the delicate/minute, his harp is squelched, stretched, melted, lit, consumed, blossomed, caressed. He has frequently toured and recorded with POWERTRIO, Bypass, Ela Não É Francesa Ele Não É Espanhol, Hipnótica as well as solo. Raon regularly composes for Cinema, Animation, Advertising, Theater, Dance e Fine Arts projects.
Current Projects: THE DRIVE FOR IMPULSIVE ACTIONS (solo; Harp, Daxophone & Video); POWERTRIO (New Music/Contemporary/Improv.); BYPASS (Rock); LAST NIGHT’S SHOW (WTF); DECEIVING LIGHT (Audiovisual concert); OU (Band/Theater); “DO CÉU E DA TERRA” Dir. Isabel Aboim Inglês (Animation) OST w/ Joaquim de Brito; “M” Dir. Joana Bartolomeu (Animation)


A4 - Space for Contemporary Culture
Karpatská 2 (YMCA Building)
