
–> 14.00 NEXTalks / prezentácie: duo pantoMorf, Rashad Becker, Adam Donovan, Pavel Klusák –> A4

14.00 NEXTalks / prezentácie Ako vyzerajú inšpiratívne koncepty dnešného zvukového umenia? Umelci tohtoročného NEXTu – duo pantoMorf, Rashad Becker a Adam Donovan porozprávajú o pozadí ich tvorby. 16.00 Pavel Klusák: Chaos ako východisko (Improvizátori prestávajú improvizovať) / prednáška Čo sa aktuálne deje na svetovej improvizačnej elektroakustickej scéne? Dobrodružný posun ku konceptuálnym projektom, vplyvu noisu i […]

–> 18.30 Kolektiv / live coding performance –> SNG

Kolektiv je otvorené združenie tvorcov algoritmických vizuálov a elektronických hudobníkov pracujúcich s tzv. live codingom, umeleckou formou využívajúcou živé písanie počítačového kódu, vytvárajúceho nástroje pre zvuk a obraz priamo pred divákmi. Predstavia sa v zostave Georgy Bagdasarov, Martin Blažíček, Michal Cáb, gnd, Michal Kindernay, Jáchym Pešek, Kryštof Pešek, Jiří Rouš, Alexandra Timpau. Performance sa uskutoční […]

–> 19.00 Koncerty –> A4

Opening Performance Orchestra

No melody. No rhythm. No harmony. this is fraction music. Originates as a reaction to contemporary musical approaches, by replacing analog sounds with digital sounds. The transformation of analog signal to digital form is deliberately favored over the original musical content. The original music or sound material is intentionally destroyed using artificially constructed digital sound […]

Bogan Ghost

Instrumental noise technicians Anthea Caddy (AU) and Liz Allbee (USA) unite in this uncompromising duo. Within the extremes of noise and silence, instrumental abstraction and amplification become central. Focusing on the sepulchral and harsh qualities of cello and trumpet rendered in an electro-acoustic space, Bogan Ghost travels between multiple speaker amplification and the acoustic room, […]

duo pantoMorf

 Swedish electronic improvisers Palle Dahlstedt and Per Anders Nilsson play electronic instruments of their own design as electronic free impro duo and a research project. Beginning in 2006, they have actively developed new ways of controlling electronic sound. The video shows an improvisation on two instances of the instrument “the expressure pad”, which has […]

Rashad Becker

Something of a rock star in the field of mastering. As engineer at Berlin’s Dubplates & Mastering, Rashad Becker has mastered and cut at least 1200 dance, electronic, and experimental albums. He’s a household name to the sort of obsessives who pay attention to the esoteric squiggles etched into the dead wax of techno 12-inches, […]


A4 - Space for Contemporary Culture
Karpatská 2 (YMCA Building)
